Sunday, February 15, 2015

Down town D.F.

Well another full week. Things seem to be falling into place..but then more questions seem to come too.  Marilyn and I had to go get our visa papers finalized here so it was a trip into the really nice part of town called Polanco. Some beautiful skyscrapers and a couple of beautiful malls.
Mexico City downtown Polanco
Inside of a very modern Mall

Mexico City

There is a Costco as part of one mall and in the other some very exclusive stores like Saks Fifth Ave. unbelievable malls! They say the richest man in the world lives in one of the buildings down here and built an art museum for his wife's art collection. It is open free to the public.
Polanco is only about 8-10 miles away..but takes an hour or more to get there! The "freeways" are 3 small lanes wide with entrances and exits not like what we have is nuts! Traffic is crazy!

Fresh? meat at market. 
Lots of missionaries are leaving the mission this week so new paper work to learn how to do and then how to take them to the airport. Dave had to get up at 3AM on Saturday to go with the other office elders to be help the missionaries with airport paper work. One Elder missed his plane so we had to call Salt Lake for them to get a new flight for him. Not a good thing! It would be nice if they were all leaving at the same time and going to the same place but there are two different terminals and there is an inter airport bus to go from one to another..finally got finished and back to the apartment at 8:30...Marilyn was just getting up!
We left at 10 to go the the outdoor market for fresh fruit and then to Polanco to the art museum and see some more of the city.
Balloons for Valentine's Day!
Art Museum
The trip to Polanco today was 25 minutes because of the lack of traffic. It is a beautiful museum...!Had a nice lunch at PF Changs and a short visit to Costco.
Home to try out the new pop corn popper and watch the BYU basketball game...
A Very Long Saturday..starting at 3am and ending at 11pm!
Elder Castillo was Marilyn's trainer.  He did not speak English!

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