Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mexico City! We're Here!

“Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them...
And they flew.”

― Guilliame Apollinaire French Poet

We add this poem because it is kind of how we feel right now.  Everything new, excited but feeling unsure of what is ahead!  Here we go!  City as far as we can see!

Well we finished up the MTC and none too soon, I think we both gained 10 lbs! It was a great experience and we learned a lot. It was fun to be with other couples and see the different calls. Garrett picked us up at the MTC Friday morning at 6am and we went to breakfast with him and then he took us to the airport. While waiting for the plane we met the Area doctor for the church who was on the same flight, Brother Stephens. He was returning the the D.F. after bringing an Elder home who was ill. He gave us some insights about the mission and Pres Anaya. He had nothing but good to say about both Pres and Sister Anaya. He guided us through the immigration process too and then Pres and Sister Anaya were there to bring us the the apartment. They are both very nice, sister Anaya doesn't speak much english so Pres Anaya, said she could teach sister Anthony spanish and sister Anthony can teach her english.
The apartment is much nicer than we thought it would be, although it has a musty smell and we have found mold under the bathroom sink which we quickly sprayed with some mold remover that one of the other missionary couples let us use. The apartment has carpet in the 3 bedrooms and the living room. We wish it was tile wouldn't smell so bad. We tried the vacuum but all it did was emit a terrible odor so we will have to get that fixed. There is a dishwasher..which we (Elder Anthony) put the wrong kind of soap in and it promptly spilled bubbles out of the side of the door! The apartment has been empty for a few months so that doesn't help the smell either. But truth be told it is better than we expected.

It is winter here, too, and although it is "green" the deciduous trees don't have leaves and the grass is spotty.  They are getting ready to plant flowers around the temple grounds to replace the Christmas Poinsettias and other flowers.

There are 5 other couples here serving in different callings so that makes it nice. One couple, the Pococks from Sugar City Idaho took up under their wings and took us the Walmart on Saturday. Pres and Sister Anaya had taken us on Friday evening for a few things but we needed more. As I told Pres Anaya, this Walmart is just like home but entirely different !
We had Stake Conference today and it was GREAT! Pres Castaneda of the Area 70"s spoke and what a powerful speaker as did Pres Anaya and he was just as good. The conference was wonderful...with a big push on self sufficiency both spiritual and temporal. Pres Castaneda reminded me of Pres Uchtdorf in his mannerisms, his delivery and most of all his spirit and love that you could just feel. It was a wonderful day...tomorrow we go to work.. just 13 steps down stairs!
View from living room!

Stake Center as seen from back window

Sunday after Conference

Flower beds at Temple
We received a warm welcome from some of the Hermanas and Elders
Hna. Pasket (Colorado), Hna. Durham, Elder Padilla (Montana) and Elder Santiago (Mexico)

Ready for the "Spring" planting!  Only a fraction of what they have laid out!
Courtyard at Mission office / apartment


  1. So H@pPy to hear you made it through the MTC and are settling in to your place. Looking forward to your blogs. Lots of prayers and Love sent. You both look great and what a beautiful place.

  2. So H@pPy to hear you made it through the MTC and are settling in to your place. Looking forward to your blogs. Lots of prayers and Love sent. You both look great and what a beautiful place.

  3. Ayer platicaba con mi papa y mama acerca del templo de México. Dicen que ellos fueron dos ocasiones a ayudar en la construcción. Yo tuve la oportunidad de asistir a su dedicación en 1983. Saludos familia Anthony.

  4. Yea for the Anthony's. You made it and it looks beautiful and sounds like you have a lot of good company to help you through. Miss you already.
