Friday, October 20, 2017

June 4, 2016.....flying by!

Here we are...almost finished and we have been so blessed to be here!
We have met some great people and made some lifelong friends.
We have seen many missionaries come and go. It has been so fun to see the change that comes over them. They arrive the first day and have that deer in the headlights look! Especially those who are coming from the US. This is nothing like they are used to and unlike anything most of them have ever seen.....Some coming from small towns or even "big" Utah, California,Washington, Oregon, Ohio, or Florida cities...this city is nothing like home.  Then after they have been here awhile and learn a little Spanish and more than that they learn how to forget about themselves and focus on the people and how they can make their lives better..they change.  They turn into Servants of The Lord and you can see and feel it! Such a great thing to see the change!

Then to see them as they get ready to go home, they come to the office changed young men and women! Some are more serious than others but you can still see the change. Then after they have spent the night at the Presidents house, said their goodbyes and thought of the work they have done...they are happy and excited to return home!

We have been able to attend church in a Spanish speaking ward and even though we don't always comprehend everything that is said, we marvel at the dedication of some of the members here. There are some really great and wonderful people and families that we have come to love. We will miss them and their welcome hugs at church!  Elder Anthony is famous with the children as the "candy man."  His suit pockets are bottomless wells of goodies and he is always surrounded by kids before church starts.
We have seen new members of the ward take hold and become leaders in the ward. Elder Anthony has had the opportunity to confirm a new member into the church like he did on his first mission and then also confer both the Aaronic and Melchizedek  Priesthoods, something he had never done in Spanish. (He returned to Mexico later to go through the temple with him as he took out his endowments and Carlos now is a temple worker.

Sister Anthony has had  the chance to play the piano and organ for Sacrament meeting and for the Primary program in the Ward, and work with the Sisters in the Visitors Center to help them prepare for several Christmas programs.
We have been blessed to be able to travel within the city and see some other parts of the country. We have become comfortable traveling within the city on the subway, the metro bus, regular buses and taxis. We have really come to appreciate where we live at home and how easy it is for us to get from one place to another whenever we want to.

We have learned how to shop in the the outdoor markets to buy our fruits and vegetables just like the other people here. We look forward to seeing the vendors and if we miss a week or two they always ask us were we have been and if we have been ok. Going to the local markets is one of our favorite things to do. We have learned to appreciate different fruits, and fresh homemade flour tortillas.
We have been blessed to work with a wonderful couple, the Anaya's as the Mission President and his wife! They have been so kind to us and so patient. Tomorrow their son, Jair, will open his mission call...everyone is so curious to see where he will go.  He is so prepared to go on a mission and we know he will do a wonderful job.  We have come to love the Anayas and count them as our friends. We look forward to working with the new president and his wife, the Naumann's. We will only have a short time with them but hopefully we can be of assistance to them.
Yes, we realize that we still have several weeks to go, but are just feeling blessed in the great experiences we have been able to have here.

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