Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016 Time has flown by..

What can we say other that we are slackers when it come to keeping up this blog!!!
Here it is the end of April..actually it is May first!...
Lets try to recap what has happened since the last post...
1. April conference...we enjoyed listening to conference here in our apartment with the Zapata's. We hooked up the projector ..took a picture off the wall and watched the big screen! All the comforts of home and then some. We did have to make a quick run to the tiangues for some fruits and veggies prior but made it back in time.

2. April the 16th brought a special treat for our mission. Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came and we had a Special Mission Conference. What a great and fun experience for all of us! Elder Pieper of the Area Presidency was also there and spoke, as did his wife. They also brought their daughter Dora with them and brought her up to the podium with him. She is a special needs child and Elder Pieper said this was the first time that they have brought her with them to one of these mission conferences. The Piepers have served here for 3 yrs and prior to that had an assignment in the middle east or eastern Europe. He spoke about how Dora was a missionary in her own right. How she loved all the people that she met and loved to give them hugs. Even the Elders, but that they had to teach her that she couldn't hug the missionaries, so instead,  she would pull their ties! She even did that to Elder Nelson when he came to meet with them one time! He told us to not try to compare ourselves to one another..we all have our own special talents and ways of teaching and loving others and we need to concentrate on those. She brought a special spirit to the meeting.

Elder Oaks was so warm and inviting to the missionaries and so relaxed in the meeting. He just had a special feeling about him and was so kind. He mentioned that in his life he has done a lot of reading..books, magazines, professional journals etc. He told us that it took him until he was about 50 years old to realize the need to pray before reading the scriptures..and just like we pray before meals to give thanks for the food and to bless it to nourish us..we should do the same prior to reading the scriptures, that they might nourish us.

3. The next day we had a special 2-Stake conference for our stake, Aragon, and the Vergel Stake that is next to ours. Again Elder Oaks was there. He arrived about 45 minutes early and went around and shook hands with everyone that was there. No small task but such a warm and kind thing to do. He asked us where we were from and when we told him Santaquin he perked up and said, "I know right where that is!" as he had spent much of his childhood in Spring Lake area.

After our mission conference on Saturday we went with the Zapata's downtown. It seems that Javier had to have a Zoot Suit like Tin Tan, the Mexican Entertainer! So we headed down to La Laguñia, a clothing center and found one for him. The Laguñia market is a fun and different experience! It is roughly the size of a Salt Lake City block that is covered and there are little aisle ways just big enough for two or three people to walk side by side in and little stores or stalls that are nothing but clothes. All kinds of clothes from baby christening or baptismal clothes, to gowns for Quinceñeras to wedding dresses and suits, lingerie, Zoot Suits, Charro suits, etc. really really crowded and very interesting! Glad we had that opportunity to go.

Wednesday, April the 20th, we went with the Binghams and Zapatas to Bellas Artes to see the Mexican Folklore Ballet. Bellas Artes is a large concert hall that was built in the early 1900's and is rated as one of the best concert halls in the world. It has a glass curtain that was made by Tiffanies of New York....a very beautify building!

Prior to the concert we went to dinner at Sanbourns. This building too is beautiful although it is showing it's age now.  It is the original Sanbourns Restaurant. It opened in the 1920's and had been a private home prior to that time. It is located about a block from Bellas Artes. We had a great dinner and a fun time with the Zapatas and Binghams who we don't get to see too often, but do so enjoy their company.  Their Mission President has a different outlook on what the mission couples should do and how far they should travel.  We are so thankful that Presidente Anaya is so supportive of us doing our adventures on our P-days! Last Friday the Zapatas went with their mission pres and his wife to Taxco. Kind of a reward for them before they head home. Such a difference in the mission presidents. Just proves their individuality and that circumstances are different everywhere.  Anyway the Zapatas had a great time, we are so glad they had the opportunity to go. Taxco is a wonderful little city in the mountains that specializes in silver. It is about a 2 and a half hour drive. They had so much fun they would even like to go again..but with only one Saturday left I don't know if they will be able to or not.

We received sad news that one of our Elders, Elder McNeil Walker from Idaho Falls was killed last Wednesday as he was driving a tractor north of his town in Idaho to his pumpkin farm. He was such a good missionary here..always so so happy and wanting to help. It is such a sad thing. Some of the returned missionaries from here that can go to the funeral are going and will sing Called to Serve at the service. Wish we could be there...he was such a nice young man.

We spent yesterday with the Zapatas... we went grocery shopping in the morning to Walmart and then rode the metrobus downtown. We went to an excellent Wax Museum..a fun outing,  then to a chocolate museum, a waste, (but it was fun to taste the cocoa beans) then to Chilies and a movie. We saw the new Jungle Book, we really liked it. Amazing what they can do with animation and humans together anymore. We had a great time, we will so so miss Bonnie and Javier...they have become good, good friends.

Time is going so so fast....we have our tickets purchased..and will be home July 19th!! Some of the kids will be there which will be really, really exciting for us. We have missed them. We are so grateful to Garrett and for him staying in the house.

Well this blog is too long...and no pictures...more like a journal entry,..sorry for that. Will up load some pics shortly to make up for it.

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