Sunday, March 29, 2015

Time for Cambios...(Mission changes)

This week has been a busy one of getting things wrapped up to get ready for "cambios" or mission changes again.  This happens about every 6 weeks.

Because our mission area is so small, the way this works is that on an assigned day most of the missionaries change to a new area and companion.  We also receive new missionaries and send home the Elders and Hermanas who are now ready to get back to "civilian" life.  It is an exciting time.

Most of them bring their suitcases with them, deposit them in the back of the cultural hall.  We have a meeting where introductions of the new missionaries are made and then Presidente Anaya makes the announcements for the new companionships.  After each announcement come the abrazos and handshakes, they grab their belongings and take off for their new areas.  This transfer we are losing 6 Elders, then a lot more in a few weeks, but are gaining 9 new missionaries.

Catching a bite for lunch before leaving.

These are some of the couples that live in our apartment complex.  We are making some wonderful friends.

Left to right:  Anthonys, Zapatas (from Gilbert, AZ working in the visitor's center,) the Smiths (from  Idaho Falls, ID working with EFY...FSY in South Mexico,) and the Pococks (from Sugar City, ID, FSY in Northern Mexico)
It was Hermana Zapata's birthday.

Saturday, we took a trip into downtown Mexico City to visit a Market called the Ciudadela.  It had over 400 different shops and targets tourists.  It was amazing to see the skills of the people and the variety of talents.

Across the street from the Ciudadela was a park that was crammed with people having some sort of dance festival/classes.  It was fun to hear the music and see the couples, most of them our age,  moving spryly to the catchy music.

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