Saturday, January 17, 2015

2 Days To Go!

Dear family and friends:  It's been almost four months since we submitted our papers to go on a mission, and finally here we are packing, weighing luggage, unpacking and racking our brains to see what we have forgotten to do.  We are going to the Mexico, Mexico City East Mission!

What an interesting journey it has been so far!  We've learned a lot about trusting in our Heavenly Father to make things work out.  Like our son Garrett has said: "It's just weird..." the way everything has pieced together.  Garrett will be living in our home as he has his condo in Park City rented for a year.

We had a chance to visit with each of our children before we leave.  We saw Ted and his family in Buena Park, Cal. before we delivered and sold the car to Dave's cousin Sharon, in Phoenix.  David, Brittany and kids came for Thanksgiving, and we flew to Amherst, NY to spend Christmas with Kyle, Shannon and kids.  We spent New Years with Gina, John and kids in Dallas, TX and have had the wonderful chance of visiting with Garrett and Zeus (his fun little dog) for the past two weeks as they settled into our home.
Ted, Zion and Titus

Back: Isaac, John, Gina, Avery
Front: Will, Brady, Nathan

Dave and Garrett with Zeus

Gretta, David, Brittany with Miles in front
Back: Carter, Shannon, Kyle
Ashton, Madison

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