Friday, January 23, 2015

Here we are! Week 1 at the MTC

Here we are!  We made it to the MTC.  Garrett drove us up to the drop-off Monday morning and after checking in, they directed us to where we would stay for almost two weeks.  We have been so grateful for all of the help and patience Garrett has shown as we have tried to get ready, have forgotten things and have been rattled with the preparation.  It was hard to say good-bye, but are so thankful to know that things are in his good hands.

They are so organized here!  I'm sure it comes from going through this process with thousands of missionaries who don't know what they are doing or where to go.  The first day was orientation, getting placed into districts and settling in a bit.  Our district consists of only 3 other couples:
     The Avei's, from Bountiful, who are going to serve their second mission to Samoa.
     The Blake's, from Salt Lake area, who will be doing a Member Support Mission in their own
          home stake
     The Monk's, from Idaho Falls, who will be going to San Diego for Young Single Adults.  They
          used to live in Columbus and knew my brother Seth there, even before he and Brenda got

L to R:   Elder and Sis. Monk, Elder and Sis. Avei, our instructor, Brother Herman, us, Elder and Sis. Blake

The food here is excellent!  You have many things to choose from and they can really cycle the missionaries through the lines quickly.  It seems like all we do is eat and go to classes.

Tuesday night we attended a Devotional in a large auditorium.  A choir of the younger missionaries sang a couple of beautiful songs and Brother Ballard spoke on his advice to us as missionaries.  It was a very nice evening.

Friday was the day that most of the missionary couples left for their assigned areas.  We met my Learning Coach, Eden Dahl, and our Language Tutor, Gabriel Canozo, for dinner (in the cafeteria) and had a great visit.  We have been doing several hours of Spanish Training with them through Skype for the past 3 1/2 months and have developed quite a friendship with them.  They have been so helpful.  It was fun to meet them in person.

Here is the view from our apartment window!
  Well, here's to a weekend.  It's been great, but we are tired.  We are so grateful for our good family and friends!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

2 Days To Go!

Dear family and friends:  It's been almost four months since we submitted our papers to go on a mission, and finally here we are packing, weighing luggage, unpacking and racking our brains to see what we have forgotten to do.  We are going to the Mexico, Mexico City East Mission!

What an interesting journey it has been so far!  We've learned a lot about trusting in our Heavenly Father to make things work out.  Like our son Garrett has said: "It's just weird..." the way everything has pieced together.  Garrett will be living in our home as he has his condo in Park City rented for a year.

We had a chance to visit with each of our children before we leave.  We saw Ted and his family in Buena Park, Cal. before we delivered and sold the car to Dave's cousin Sharon, in Phoenix.  David, Brittany and kids came for Thanksgiving, and we flew to Amherst, NY to spend Christmas with Kyle, Shannon and kids.  We spent New Years with Gina, John and kids in Dallas, TX and have had the wonderful chance of visiting with Garrett and Zeus (his fun little dog) for the past two weeks as they settled into our home.
Ted, Zion and Titus

Back: Isaac, John, Gina, Avery
Front: Will, Brady, Nathan

Dave and Garrett with Zeus

Gretta, David, Brittany with Miles in front
Back: Carter, Shannon, Kyle
Ashton, Madison