Sunday, September 20, 2015

Temple Rededication

Well the Temple is finally open! What a wonderful time we have had with that. I am not sure of the final numbers but over 100,000 people visited the Temple and over 40,000 the visitors center! They were busy weeks but now they are just a memory. There was a Cultural Celebration in one of the old classy theaters down town and we were able to go. We went on a bus with 8 other couples and all the sisters from the Visitors Center. What a fun ride it was! The Sisters were just like a bunch of college excited!
The bus drove by the Monument to Independence down town and the girls all crammed onto one side to see it. Elder Rojas who is in charge  of the CV arranged for the bus to stop so they could get out and take pictures...that is something that these Sisters have their pictures taken!
This monument is a favorite place for Brides and young girls who are celebrating their coming out birthday (15) QuinceaƱera! We saw a couple of young girls there all dressed up!
Then we were off to the show. Pres Eyeing and Elder Holland were there too.

The theme was the history of the church in Mexico. There was a main story line and lots of Mexican Dances thrown in to celebrate too. It was very well done...a big, big Road Show... very well done.
Sunday was the rededication. We were very very surprised to get white tickets which allowed us to go to the third session and be in the Celestial Room!
There were only about 110 people allowed in the room each session. We are not sure why we were so blessed to be in there...but it was a very special time! Elder Holland conducted the third session and Elder DeHoyos, the Area President, read the prayer as he did in the previous sessions. In the first session Pres Eyring read the prayer in English and Elder DeHoyos in Spanish. I don't know if we will ever be so blessed as to be in the Celestial Room at a Temple dedication again. Such a wonderful spirit there!
As usual we had some missionaries end their missions and new ones come in. This time 11 left and 26 came in! That meant that the President needed 26 trainers. Some of these missionaries are training after just 1-2 months in the mission! We have such wonderful missionaries!
September 15 -16 are special days here in Mexico. On the night of September 15 they have "El Grito"  the shout of independence. It commemorates  when Father Hidalgo led the Mexican people to revolt against Spain in 1810. He gave a famous speech where he rallied the people. Part of the speech was "Viva Mexico!" ..Viva Independencia!" .. now they also add "Viva Hidalgo!" in his honor. the President of Mexico gives this shout every year in the down town square and it is quite the celebration!  We went there in 1974 with my cousin Jim Stanton and his wife Bernice and had a wonderful time. Times have changed and so many of the people we see here now tell us it is not safe we are grateful we went when we did. When we tell people we went there they are really surprised! Not too many Gringos would go. 
We were at Pres. and Sister Anaya's house that night for a farewell dinner for the missionaries and Pres. Anaya led El Grito!
It was quite a sight! Fun Fun evening. Then up at 3:30 to take missionaries to the airport! They are always so so excited!
Brother and Sister Yates left on that day too, they had been here 25+months! They were originally to be here 18 but extended twice be be here for the re dedication. They will be missed here.
So good to get to know so many wonderful people.